Eagle Medical Centers (EMC) is fully committed to providing the highest level of Comprehensive Case Management and care possible. EMC exists to provide treatment exclusively to injured federal workers as well as provide assistance and information to those who are seeking help with filing Workers Compensation claims. Rest assured you are in good hands with us.

EMC will personally assist you with all aspects of your care. The Medical Director, Dr. Christopher Mann, has been providing Medical care and Federal Workers Compensation case oversight for over 30 years. The team at Eagle Medical Centers is specifically trained and well informed to assist Federal Employees with all aspects of their work-related injury.

Eagle Medical Centers is a venture composed of seasoned veterans, not only in the medical field, but also those who are extremely knowledgeable when it comes to the Federal Workers Compensation system.

Christopher Mann, D.O. had been providing medical treatment and care to the injured federal workers for many years when he decided it was time to start a company that was sincerely dedicated to helping injured Federal employees.

He assembled a great team of experienced, knowledgeable, and sincerely passionate people; who are readily prepared to treat the needs of all injured federal workers.


Over 30 years of experience to better serve and guide you.


Providing our expertise with the Worker’s Compensation System.


We are not only experts in our field, we sincerely care about your experience.